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What are the essential office supplies for the office

publish:2023-06-30 16:30:45   views :118
publish:2023-06-30 16:30:45  

1. One Water dispenser and two paper cups.

2. A printer and a box of printing paper.

3. An ink printing machine (printing exam papers).

4. Hygiene supplies: large water tank, one set of ladle, two sets of broom iron ash hoppers, two sets of mops and eight sets of Bin bag (50 pieces)

5. 50 plastic file boxes and 100 paper file bags.

6. 5 boxes of return pins, 5 boxes of Pin, 2 large and small Stapler, 10 large and small staples, and a bag of magnetic stickers (50). 7. Leather 16 notebook (used for work meeting records, class teacher work logs, etc.) 20 copies.

8. 30 blank and 30 checkered manuscripts for the "Aviation School".

9. There are 8 combined stationery boxes or pen cartridges, 5 black and red ink pens, 3 black 0.5 refills, 2 red pencils, 1 2B and HB pencil, 1 Eraser, and 2 automatic pencil sharpeners.



Address:Zixia Street, Xihu District

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